How to Create a Loyalty Plan

1. Go to and Login using your merchant username and password.

2. From the main dashboard navigate to the panel located on the left side of the site and click on the options ‘Store/Station Setup’.

3. In the ‘Store/Station Setup’ Page locate and click on the tile labeled ‘Loyalty Plan’.

4. Within the page of ‘Manage Customer Loyalty Plan’, Locate the tile titled ‘Add Loyalty Plan’. To create a ‘Loyalty Plan’ Associated with your ‘Loyalty Incentive’.

5.Within the page of ‘Add Customer Loyalty Plan’, locate the text box titled ‘Description’. This is where you would title your ‘Loyalty Plan’, made for your business.

6.Within the page of ‘Manage Customer Loyalty Plan’, Locate the tile titled ‘Select Incentive’ on the bottom right hand side of the page.

7. Within the page of ‘Select Loyalty Incentive’ you will select the Incentive that you created before Creating the ‘Loyalty Plan’. Once Selecting the Incentive, Click on the Button Titled ‘Add’, to close the most recent page.

8. Once Completing the ‘Incentive Plan’ you recently created, you may have the options of clicking the tile(s) Titled ‘Back’, which erases your progress, ‘Update & continue’ to complete the process of the most recent ‘Incentive Plan’, and create a new ‘Incentive Plan’ or ‘Update & Exit’ to complete the process of the most recent ‘Incentive Plan’ and return to the ‘Manage Customer Loyalty Plan’

8. This concludes the Article on ‘Creating Loyalty Incentives for Item/PLU’. If you have any following Questions or comments, feel free to call our Business number, with our 24/7 Tech Support.