Guide To Stock Received.

Important: Vendors must be created and have items assigned to them before setting up.

1. Go to and login using your merchant username and password.

2. From the main dashboard navigate to the panel located on the left side of the site and click on the options ‘Store/Station Setup’.

3. Click the ‘Stock Received’ button.

4. Click the ‘Add New Stock Received’ button.

5. Under ‘Stock Received Number’ a unique number will be automatically generated for this entry of received stock.

6. Click in the date box and select the date for the ‘Stock Received Date’ section.

7. Click on the drop-down for the ‘Vendor’ section and select the vendor linked to the stock received.

8. If the vendor is not listed, click the ‘Plus’ icon to create the vendor.

9. Users will have the option to input both a ‘Reference Number’ and ‘Description’ but it is not required.

10. To add the items being received click the ‘Find Item’ button.

11. Use the filter options to search for the desired item to add to the stock received.

12. Select the Item.

13. Input the amount received in the ‘Stock Received Qty’.

14. Input the total cost for the ‘Stock Received Cost’.

15. Then Click the ‘Add’ button. Repeat as needed for all items received under that vendor.

16. Click the ‘Trash Can’ icon to remove any of the items from the list.

17. Click the ‘Save & Exit’ to go back to the ‘Manage Received Stocks’ Page or the ‘Save & Add New’ button to continue adding additional received stock for another vendor.

18. When done editing the Brands, click the ‘Back’ button to return to the ‘Manage Received Stocks’ page.

Important: Make certain to save before clicking the ‘Back’ button otherwise changes maybe lost.

19. After Saving, users will be prompted with the option to print the stock received, to do so, click the ‘Yes’ button.

20. To edit a Received Stock, click the ‘Pencil’ icon.

21. When done adding and editing Received Stock click the ‘Back’ button to return to the ‘Store/Station Setup’ page.

22. This Concludes the Guide to Stock Received.