How to Enable Surcharge

1. Go to and login using your merchant username and password.

2. From the main dashboard navigate to the panel located on the left side of the site and click on the options ‘Store/Station Setup’.

3. Click on the ‘Store Setup’ button.

4. While on the ‘Store Setting’ Page Locate the Payment Processing’ Tab.

5. Under the ‘Payment Processing’ Tab, locate the ‘Cash Discount Configuration’ Section.

6. Under the ‘Cash Discount Configuration’ Section, we will locate the button titled ‘Enable Surcharge’.

7. With ‘Surcharge’ enabled, we are able to input your wanted percentage into the text box Titled ‘Disc Adj’. With also having the choice of changing the Surcharge title, to the statement best suited for your business.

7. With ‘Surcharge’ enabled, we are able to input your wanted percentage into the text box Titled ‘Disc Adj’. With also having the choice of changing the Surcharge title, to the statement best suited for your business.

8. This concludes the Article on ‘Creating Loyalty Incentives for Gift Card’. If you have any following Questions or comments, feel free to call our Business number, with our 24/7 Tech Support.