How To Setup Manual and Auto Batch Settlements

1. Go to and Login using your merchant username and password.

2. From the main dashboard navigate to the panel located on the left side of the site and click on the options ‘Store/Station Setup’.

3. In the ‘Store/Station Setup’ Page locate and click on the tile labeled ‘Station Setup’.

5. Under the ‘Payment Processing’ section click on the ‘Batch Settlement’ tab.

6. By Default, ‘Batch settlement’ is set to ‘Manual’.

7. When Set to Manual the section labeled ‘Auto Time:’ the time will be greyed out as batching out settlements will take place in the POS station.

8. In the sections labeled ‘To Email Address’ will allow for the options to send Batch Report to any desired email.

Please Note: If user wants to have multiple emails to send reports to, they must separate the address with a ‘Coma (,)’ and NO spaces in between emails.

9. The toggle option for ‘Send Auto Batch Settlement Email:’ will be grey out for manual batching.

Please Note: The option to email will be presented when manually batching out on the POS station.

10. Users can toggle the options label ‘Perform Batch Settlement on End of Day’.

Please Note: All the Pre-Auth transaction must be confirmed manually in order to receive the funds.

11. To setup the Station for Auto Batch Settlement, click the ‘Auto’ option.

Please Note: the option to Settle Batches will no longer be visible in the POS station when Auto is selected. This is to prevent unintended batches to occur.

12. This will now allow users to set the ‘Auto Time’.

13. Click in the text box next to the clock icon to set the desired time for auto batching.

14. The option to ‘Send Auto Batch Settlement Email:’ will now be available and allow to have batch report to be sent to the email addresses within the ‘To Email Address’ text box.

15. The option to ‘Perform Batch Settlement on End of Day’ will not be available for Auto Settlement and is now greyed out.

16. Click the ‘Save Settings’ button when done configuring batch settings for the station.

17. Click the ‘Back’ button to return to the ‘Stations List’ page.

18. This concludes the guide on How to setup Manual and Auto Batch Settlements.